Thursday, August 27, 2015

It's Been A Good Week!

August 24, 2015

It's been a good week! There are good things happening in the O'Fallon ward, and I am really starting to love the people here. 

Exchanges with Sister Lynch!

I'll just share a couple of personal miracles that really meant a lot to me this week.

First, one morning this week I had a really neat personal study where I studied Lesson 1, the Restoration! I felt the spirit so strongly as I studied and really saw how the Restoration fits in the big picture of everything, and also felt such a strong spirit that it was TRUE. So I prayed and asked Heavenly Father if it was ok, could he let us teach a restoration lesson today? We had a few semi-flaky appointments set up for that day, but just the right things went through and we were able to teach the Restoration...TWICE! :) It was a little miracle. Especially V's restoration lesson. She was so open and said she would be baptized when she knows the Book of Mormon is true! It was just a picture perfect lesson, with an amazing spirit, and I know it was a little reminder from Heavenly Father that this is true!

I also had a very needed tender mercy in my missionary work this week. It was right after another exchange we had this week, and I felt it hadn't gone very well. I realized I don't really know the area, and I felt a lot of stress and my inadequacies were really showing! Being a leader is hard sometimes, and the stress was really taking it's toll, and I felt like I just couldn't beat Satan! Sister Hayden asked me if I wanted a blessing, and I realized that was exactly what I needed. Brother R., one of the ward missionaries, gave me a blessing that afternoon, and it was one of the most powerful blessings I've ever received! It was as if the Savior himself was talking straight to me. Brother R. said exactly what I needed to hear, he even used some of the exact wording that has been going through my head to comfort and bless me. There was no possible way he could have done that, except that he truly holds the priesthood of God! Needless to say I was quite a mess by the end of that, but I also felt more peace than I have in a long time! Then on top of all that, when we were driving home for the evening, Sister Hayden felt prompted to check the mail. There were probably 5 or 6 letters (that NEVER happens!), all from my past companions, converts from my other areas, and of course from you, family <3. The letters were a reminder that I have made a difference, that I am loved, and that this year and a half is WORTH IT! Whoever is reading this, if you were one of the ones that sent a letter this week, THANK YOU, you were inspired by the spirit and you truly uplifted me this week!

I KNOW, I am 100 percent sure that this gospel is true true true. There is nothing sweeter than this work. There is nothing more powerful than Jesus Christ. He's my friend, the one person I never have to say goodbye to, the one person that will always be there, every day! He's never left any of us. I just know this is true!

I love you all, and have a great week!

Sister Petrie

Sister Gadi :) She is super cool.
Got to hang out with her while our companions went to the temple! 

Coconut Popsicle :) Have I mentioned how cool Sister Hayden is? :)

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