Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Exchanges!

August 17, 2015

It's been a great week. So great. I have been learning so much about what it really means to rely on Christ and access an infinite atonement that has REAL power. Missions aren't easy. But the atonement is real, Christ is so ready to make up the difference of our imperfections.

The happiest moment of the week was X.'s baptism! I just can't believe how strong and in tune with the spirit that kid is. He is truly close to his Savior. I think the biggest miracle of the whole baptism was X.'s dad. When I got to the area, X. already wanted to be baptized, but he needed permission from his father to join the church. S. (X.'s mom) didn't think he'd ever let X. be baptized, but in a moment of faith we set a baptism date and prayed it would all work out. What gave his dad a change of heart was X.'s testimony! S. told us that X. would talk to his dad all about the missionaries and church and what he was learning. He told him this was something he really wanted, and after a little bit X.'s dad gave his permission! he even ended up coming to the baptism and we could tell he really felt the spirit of it. i think it's so special that X. is being an example to his whole family. He has a light in him that I love. I love them all so much!

X.'s baptism!

My first exchanges were this week! I have a goal to learn to LOVE and look forward to exchanges :) I love these sisters, I'm grateful to get to be their friends! Tuesday I went to Union with Sister Madsen (she came out with me!) and Thursday I went with Sister Walker to the St Louis YSA branch. I learned so much from them! For one, I learned it's ok to be an imperfect leader :) The Lord really is merciful, and he calls us for a reason. 

Exchange with Union!

Sis.Walker and Me
We had some really solid lessons this week. Sister Hayden and I are getting to a point where we really teach well together. She is an incredible teacher, and I admire that she loves the people we teach so much. A couple lessons stand out this week, one was a church tour with our investigator S.. The spirit we felt in the chapel was so powerful, it felt like the temple! I'm so grateful for the spirit. Another was a lesson with two investigators we found this week, P. and P.. They didn't really want to talk to us at first, but as we taught the spirit opened their hearts and they came to church on Sunday! What a miracle. 

It's going to be a good week. I'm excited for this area, we have good things coming!
A Young Woman in the ward with a great name!!!

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