Monday, August 3, 2015

Hello from O'Fallon!

August 3, 2015

Hello from O'Fallon, MO!

So this week has been a little overwhelming. But I honestly have also had a lot of fun, and learned so much!

Tuesday was full of a lot of goodbyes to my favorite people. I already miss them all!

Wednesday was transfer meeting, and ever since then it's been crazy :) We had a new leadership meeting on Wednesday, and it was very helpful! My new companion is Sister Hayden, and she's another one from Washington! She is a hard worker and a very committed missionary. We get along great and we are so excited to see miracles together this transfer!

O'Fallon is a great area, it feels a little like serving in my home ward in New Hampshire! Big ward, lots of youth, very missionary minded people. Dinners every night, and lots of member support. So far, I love it! It was a slight culture shock, it's WAY different than Danville and Centralia. But I'm excited to figure out missionary work here and see some awesome things happen. This is His work!

Needless to say I was thrown right into it! Friday, all day, we had what's called Mission Leadership Council with President Morgan, the AP's, and all the Zone Leaders and STL's. We discussed the state of the mission and had some awesome trainings from the AP's (One of them is Elder Fa, my Centralia District Leader!) and also President and Sister Morgan. I was really able to catch the vision of being a leader in that meeting. I really felt a lot of peace and comfort realizing that this is HIS work, and I am only called to yoke myself with the other sisters and work smarter as a leader. Also I had to do a last-minute musical number...thank goodness for pianos. 

Saw Sister Biddle for the last time at MLC!

Saturday we did an hour and a half long training for the youth in another ward who are preparing to go on missions. We trained on our purpose as a missionary, and I think it went well! It made me excited all over again to be a missionary. Sunday we taught the gospel principles class and now are working on preparing for two trainings we are giving this Wednesday and Thursday at North and St Louis zone's ZLT. Also, last minute our investigator E. decided to be baptized this Saturday, so we are planning a baptism! hahaha it'll be a great few next weeks, I'm excited.

Here's one really meaningful moment this week. T., a less-active recently baptized member that we teach has a really hard time opening up to us. He'd been struggling and we had no idea why. in our lesson on Saturday, the spirit touched him and he told us some things he's really been struggling with and asked for help. It was such a sweet moment to bear testimony of the Savior, of the Book of Mormon, of these basic things I know and cherish and that are so familiar to me. I guess I really need that moment. Amidst everything that is so new and unfamiliar, I always know that my savior is constant, and that my message is constant. This gospel can be lived and taught in O'Fallon just like in Centralia and Danville, and that's an assurance I really needed to feel. Miracles follow faith, here, other areas, and everywhere in the world. This is His work, and we are doing it His way. I can't wait to see more of these things happen! 

Sister Hayden and I, eating ice cream to celebrate S.'s baptism :)

S. got baptized on Saturday in Centralia! Just missed it, but I got loads of pictures. He is truly a miracle of my mission.

S. getting baptized!

Thanks for the letters this week! My new address is:
7103 Huzzah Dr
Lake St Louis, MO 63367

I love getting letters! :) Thanks for that support, it really means a lot. 

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