Thursday, December 3, 2015

New Transfer!

November 30, 2015

We are so blessed. Let me just start there. The gospel, the mission, the people here...I'm overflowing right now!

We had a great week! Man. I don't even know where to begin! I guess with transfer calls! I thought I would be leaving this transfer, but I get to STAY here with Sister Schow! YES! We both screamed when we heard that! I love this area. And I am so happy I get to stay for 6 months! Sister Schow and I were just really starting to kick into gear, and I'm so happy I can stay to see all of these people who are starting to progress! All 5 sets of our sisters are staying as well, so really no big changes this transfer. It's great.

Thanksgiving was so wonderful. We got to spend it with the J. family, who have a thanksgiving tradition of having surprisingly intense nerf gun wars! I think they sent a picture to you. How fun. I loved being around a great family, the spirit was there so strongly in their home. 

ight after that picture took, the dog got so scared of the camera, he ran into
a corner and barked at it for the next couple minutes...haha

So many good things are happening with our investigators! We started teaching D.'s husband J.! D. was the lady we found and cleaned for last week. We had 2 fantastic lessons with them! J. started really opening up, in fact halfway through the lesson he had us pause and asked if we could all go around and share a time we'd felt the Holy Ghost. He was so excited to share!! Then he told us he's been going through a spot in is life of not being close to the spirit, and he wants it back! So we invited him to be baptized. Both him and his wife know they want to be baptized, and both even agreed to a baptism date early next year!! AH. Yes. I can't even express how great it is to teach families. It's like teaching a team that can work together to achieve worthy goals. They support and encourage each other so much!

The C.'s came to church again! R., M., and P.. The spirit is really filling their lives with meaning, and it is wonderful to see.

We also set a baptism date with our investigator C. She is great to teach, because you can literally see the spirit light up her countenance. This gospel light is real, and it blesses lives!

We are praying for a baptism in our area before the end of the year. Our mission has a goal of 375 baptisms that we are striving to reach. I know we can do it! We have been fasting and praying and praying and fasting, and the miracles just haven't stopped!

I love you all so much!

Sister Petrie
Our district selfie!  I love those people!

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