Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas Challenge!

December 7, 2015

I LOVE my mission. I am so so so happy to be here! What a blessing to spend the Christmas season bringing people to Christ. How awesome was Elder Bednar's talk from the Christmas Devotional last night? Jesus Christ really is the "light of the world" that shines in the darkness. Right now we are passing out Christmas cards that link to the church's Christmas video, "A Savior is Born." We have been giving them to anyone and everyone, with an invitation to learn more about Jesus Christ. It has been super neat to see people's face light up when we talk to them. Two women in particular that we offered the video-card to thanked us sincerely for thinking of them, and walked away with huge smiles. We overheard one of them say to their kids as we were walking away, "Well wasn't that nice??" I love it. There's nothing hard or tricky about sharing the light we carry!

We had a great week, with some unexpected surprises! One was an exchange with our sisters in the Parkway ward at the beginning of the week. I got to spend the day on Tuesday in my area with Sister Hudson. She is so sweet and quiet, but such a bold missionary! She helped me receive revelation for my area. That's what exchanges are for! We also had Mission Leadership Conference on Friday. There are now 3 other sisters I came out with who are Sister Training Leaders, including Sister Dahlberg and Sister Furniss! It was neat to reflect on how much each of us has grown, and how much I love those sisters! It gave me a glimpse of what Heavenly Father must feel about us when he sees our growth and our potential.

Sister Schow was also sick all day Saturday! It's a good thing we had a boatload of planning to do. We planned the week, the transfer, the rest of the year, and our trainings for this upcoming zone conference. Oh yeah! This next week is going to be great and crazy busy!

Lots of good things happened this week! The ward Christmas party was on Friday night, and J. and D. both came, made a ton of friends, and loved it! They even got invited over to a member's home for FHE tonight! Everyone is really excited about them, and of course we are too. We were SO proud of J. as well! On Sunday, the whole family woke up late, but J. had committed to church, taken off work, and was so excited to go! He took his 5-year-old and came late, by himself, for the first time to church! He love classes, was asking questions, and wrote his name on the elders quorum role :) He even was asking what steps he needed to take to be worthy to receive the priesthood. So cool!!! We are amazed at how prepared him and D. are to receive the blessings of the gospel and be baptized.

T. got the Aaronic priesthood yesterday! YES YES YES YES! I was so excited. He even had a non-member friend there to watch him receive it. Next week he'll be blessing the sacrament! How amazing. He has come so far! :)

Mama asked what I would want for Christmas this year. I have a request! Maybe it's cheesy, but this year I want to challenge you family, and anyone else who wants to, to do a meaningful act of service for someone this month. Pray about it, do it, and then send me a letter or email about how it goes! Seriously, that would mean the world to me and would make my Christmas. If there's anything I've learned on my mission, it's that the best thing we can do in this life is to spread the light we carry. So spread your light! I hope you take this challenge :)

Sorry about no pictures this week. I will do better next week! I love you all so so so so much. Just keep being your great selves.

Sister Petrie

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