Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Families are FOREVER!

September 14, 2015

What a great first week of a new transfer. 

We spent the first few days in a tri-companionship (?) with one of our sisters, Sister Caruso! She was super sweet, it was a blast to hang out with her for a couple days. We got to see a lot of neat things happen together! We got to teach our investigator, C. It was a fantastic lesson. C. is 17, and I love her so much. One of my favorite things to teach people as a missionary is who God is and how much he loves them. Sooooo many people are missing this basic truth in their lives, and it's no wonder it's so hard to live in the world without the gospel. C. is feeling the spirit for the first time in her life, and she is changing so much! 

We also got to pick up G. H. as a new investigator, and it was AWESOME. She was super hesitant to talk to us at first, but as we testified of the gospel, the spirit was unmistakable in the room, and she was excited to read the Book of Mormon and have us come back for another lesson! She had been to so many different churches and was beginning to give up on finding the right one, and it was so wonderful to be able to share with her that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has been restored on the earth, and that she can find all the truth there! I think the best part was that we brought S. A. with us (her son X. just got baptized) and she got to share her powerful testimony of the gospel. It's neat because she's felt those blessings of the gospel in her family so recently!

I LOVE this family!

Highlight of the week: G's baptism!!! SO so so so amazing. The coolest thing about the L. Family is that J. has several active members of the church in her family, and they all love each other so much. So G. getting baptized was a big deal to his family, and the room was FILLED with so many of the people that loved and supported him! Also, B. got to baptize him, and B. has only been a member for a couple months! It was amazing. The gospel brings families together, I have no doubt. Also, families are not meant to have endings :) They are forever and ever, and that love and loyalty just gets stronger. It's amazing. 

G's friends and family. This picture is my favorite, EVER.

Oh and we got a new bishop this week! Bishop P.. He is on FIRE for missionary work and we are so so SO excited to work with him and see some miracles coming up! YES!

I love you all, this gospel is true :)

How they showed up to the baptism :) :)

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