Thursday, May 21, 2015


Our district had a cook-off this week and we wore flowers!!

May 18, 2015

People I love,

I definitely have an ever-increasing testimony of being in the right place at the right time, if we let the spirit lead us! I've always believed that God gives us help when we ask for it. But I'm coming to feel that He is a micro-manager, He is in EVERY detail, His timing is perfect. If the Spirit leads us, we can begin to see that in our own lives!

When I look back at the companions I've had, I'm realizing that each companion and their different personalities were exactly what I needed at the time! I can already see so many reasons Sister Schow and I are together, at this time, in this area. She has helped me more than she knows, and the people here need her at this time in their lives!

There a
re so many times that I've seen God's hand in the details this week! Once was an afternoon when multiple appointments fell through and we had a couple hours of empty space...we kept working. We put a whole bunch of people we needed to visit in the GPS, and did our best to see them in an order best fit to their needs and our miles haha...We both had a lot of faith that we'd end up in the right place at the right time. Specifically, there was a woman we have been trying to get a hold of for AGES, but she had never answered her door, there had never been any sign that she wanted to talk to us at all! But we still felt inspired to plug in her address. She was the 3rd or 4th house we visited. As we pulled up to her house and got ready to get out of the car, we saw her walking outside, making a trip to the recycle bin to throw away a soda can! I don't think anyone could explain how on earth we caught her at the very minute she was outside, throwing away a soda can, but that's just how God works! We were able to talk to her, and she warmed up to us, and gave us her phone number so we could reach her and see her again!

Last night was another miracle! Again we had an appointment fall through, and we had an hour or so before we had to be in. We said a prayer, and specifically asked that we would be able to see someone that needed to see us that night! We had a name come to mind, and were on the way to see the family when I had the distinct impression to turn down a specific street to knock on the house of a potential investigator who we had tried dozens of times before. I followed the prompting, and I think scared Sister Schow a bit when I crossed 3 or 4 lanes of traffic all of a sudden to make the turn haha.... We knocked on the house, and a couple from Kenya, Africa (not our potential investigator) answered the door, let us in, and we were able to teach them about the Book of Mormon!

It's been an incredible week, we've been able to find 7 new investigators! That is an incredible blessing, since we've also had a lot of investigators drop us recently. I know the Lord works and blesses us according to our faith!

I hope these stories help you know how much God loves us, and how TRUE this gospel is! There are so many being prepared.

I love you all so much!

Sister Petrie

I ate 2 crickets this week at a member's house.
Apparently its a rite of passage or something?  Blech.

That's a cricket. :)  I ate it.

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