Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Snow is Finally Melting!

The Beautiful Lake Vermillion
March 16, 2015

It's almost spring! We've been able to go out walking a lot this week! It's been wonderful to talk to people in their yards, offer service, and just feel the sunshine on our faces! I feel so blessed to be a missionary, to have the restored gospel and to be offering it to everyone we meet.

I'll just skip straight to the two highlights of this week, the two times we taught about temples!

The first was with S. We had the most incredible lesson with her Sister C. (she got baptized in November and is amazing). I LOVE teaching about temples! The temple is evidence that our growth doesn't end at baptism but begins! As we strive to be worthy of our temple recommends, enter in the house of God, make new covenants and perform ordinances for our ancestors, we receive some of the most wonderful blessings of being members of the restored church. There are so many that don't have the opportunity to partake of these blessings...we need to take advantage of them! Anyway Sister C. was able to testify of the blessings of performing baptisms for her own deceased ancestors, and it was powerful! Like I've said, I LOVE teaching with recent converts!! They have a unique, fresh spirit of the gospel about them. S. was so touched and motivated by her testimony! S.'s ancestors mean a lot to her, especially because she felt like she received her testimony of the gospel through her grandfather, who has passed away. The spirit testified to me as we talked that the temple is a blessing for so many reasons! Having the temple and it's incredible blessings and service available to us as a goal motivates us to remain worthy and to continue to grow in the gospel. it's another stepping stone on our path to God!

Pic with S. while J. talking with Bishop Fulton...they came to church for the first time yesterday!

They LOVED it! Seriously my favorite people ever.
The second lesson was with J. and S. After talking about the commandments and the blessings of obedience, we read Mosiah 2:41, which talks about the state of never-ending happiness that is available to all who obey Heavenly Father's commandments. J. asked one of those questions that makes missionaries die of excitement in lessons haha...He said, "in that state of never-ending happiness, is there a way for us to be with our families and those we love?" Of course we couldn't stop smiling as we explained yes, there was, and they could have that sealing power in their lives when they were baptized, through the ordinances of the temple! S. basically passed out of excitement, it was SO CUTE. She said, "Oh baby, that's what I want! To be with you forever and ever!" hahaha we couldn't stop smiling for a long time after that!

I am SO grateful for temples! It has also been a blessing to live in the district of the almost-finished Indianapolis, Indiana temple, only 1 and a half hours away! I have seen that truly the Lord builds the people as he builds the temple...like the B's for example! They are a returning less-active family. They have a hard life and lots of sticky habits keeping them from holding a temple recommend...but they have so much faith that by the time the Indianapolis temple opens, they will be able to enter it together! It's been incredible to teach them and see them change and grow, already! I love them!

Well, it's been a good week, and we have another great week ahead of us. I can't believe it's the last one of the transfer! Time flies.

S. took us out on a four-wheeler on Monday to the lake she lives on. I love S.!

Lunching outside! #spring

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