Saturday, November 14, 2015

Happy November!

November 2, 2015

Dancin' in the Rain

I'm not sure where October went. It's hard to believe how fast time flies!

This week has been so great! We spent a lot of time giving trainings to our 2 zones, most of Wednesday and half of Thursday! Meetings are good, but I am excited to go and WORK this next week! We have a lot of exchanges coming up with the sisters, which I am so excited about! I love the sisters, it's so fun to work with them and to learn from them.

Our trainings went well this week! We actually trained on how to have better dinner manners when we eat with members hahaha. It was a fun subject, even though it was a little less spiritual than our other trainings have been! We had a few fun role plays, where we acted out "telestial", "terrestrial", and "celestial" dinner appointments! haha. It was super fun, we had Sister Morgan play the member and we were the missionaries. Our telestial dinner appointment was hilarious, we were pretty rude and I think we even surprised Sister Morgan a little bit! It got the point across though, our conduct around members really does affect the trust and confidence they have in us. We have a new baptism goal of 375 for the year as a mission, and President Morgan promised us we can reach that goal if we work effectively with the ward council. We will do it!!

The work is going well! Especially in our sisters areas. It's been neat, we've had a couple new sisters call us recently, struggling with different things. Then, in the next few days those same sisters were each able to commit an investigator to baptism! They were so excited to tell us. I love that our sisters success is our success. Basically their areas are our areas, and it's so fun.

Our investigator D. surprised us by showing up to the ward trunk-or-treat this Thursday and bringing 4 friends! No big deal! Then she told us that she loved our church and how friendly everyone was, and told us she wanted to start coming here! And we've only taught her one lesson! I love it. 

BYU Trunk at the Trunk or Treat

Also our investigator K. is doing FANTASTIC. For the first time, she prayed sincerely to know if the Book of Mormon is true! She is great, I really really love her.

And our investigators T. and L.! They want to be baptized.

Oh, and P. and T. are two girls we started teaching this week, granddaughters of a recent convert. They are so sweet, have been through a lot, and are so ready for the gospel! The member we brought to teach them was perfect, and he brought the spirit almost instantly!

Well I love you all! Have a great week.

Sister Petrie

Loving the Rain!

Sis. Schow too!

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