Saturday, November 14, 2015

Exchange season!

November 9, 2015

What a great week. Lots has happened, and it's all so great. We are seeing a LOT of miracles in this area lately, and I am just LOVING it. This area has my heart, just like my other areas. There are wonderful people prepared for the gospel everywhere

Good things about this week! We had two exchanges this week. Those are always fun! I call these few weeks exchange season, cuz it seems like on exchanges we always see the best miracles. On my exchange with Sister Drake (she's been out for 2 weeks!! :)) we were able to start teaching S., a member's friend that we have been trying to teach FOREVER. She finally was ready to start learning, and BOY is she ready. She was the most excited I've ever seen someone about the Book of Mormon. She wants to start family home evening with her family. She's committed to come to church, and bring her cute little family of 4! She promised to read two chapters in the Book of Mormon WITH her husband. She is a seeker of truth. She loves the gospel! We are so excited to continue teaching her.

Exchange Selfie!

Sister Drake and I also were able to find a sweet lady together, Alexa. I think the coolest part was watching Sister Drake, over the course of the 30 minutes we taught her, become completely invested and excited about the work! She's been going through the new missionary struggles that everyone goes through, but she got SOOOO excited about A., she was reading the Book of Mormon to her, promising her blessings, bearing testimony, laughing and joking and just enjoying being confident while sharing the gospel. It was a sweet moment.

Wednesday we had a scare. Our investigator G. (the miracle find) has been really struggling with health issues. On Wednesday his friend told us he was REALLY sick, they didn't think he was going to make it. They rushed him to the hospital, and meanwhile we were praying hard and calling ward members to come give a priesthood blessing. We got to the hospital, and had to wait about 20 minutes while they were getting him stable. We were finally able to go back with a member of the bishopric and another brother. It was a little scary, he had a seizure while we were there, but we were able to talk to him, and he was able to get a priesthood blessing. G. is so humble, he just wants to to what's right, and he has such a desire to be baptized into the church. Everyone there was crying, I think. Pray for him! In his blessing, he was promised that if it was his desire, he would be healed :). What a neat moment. I just hope he can have the peace of mind from being baptized before he passes away.

Thursday I was able to go to Parkway, in the city with Sister Anderson. She is such a sweet sister. I've been working on being more bold in my invitations, and that's what Sister Anderson taught me!! She is an amazing sister. I love her.

Friday was crazy, our phone got left out in the pouring rain overnight on exchanges, so I came back to a dead phone... so we did the best we could. We went to Sister R.'s house to use her phone to make some calls, and it turns out she had felt prompted to make cupcakes that morning. So we ate cupcakes and chatted about the sisters in the ward, and it was a little blessing that made us feel better :).

K. is SO. CLOSE. to getting baptized. She just has a couple fears to overcome. SHE CAN DO IT. I love her so much! We read Enos with her, talked about faith, and it was perfect.

Our investigator T. came to church on Sunday! It was so fun to sit with her and explain everything that was going on, and she LOVED it. She said it was more personal than her other church, and she really enjoyed feeling noticed and loved. I do love that about the church, it is so focused on the individual and on families progressing together. I think she felt that spirit when she was there.

I love this work! And it's work :) phew! I'm exhausted sometimes. All the time. :) We love it though!

Love you all!

Sister Petrie

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