Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Another Great Week!

June 22, 2015

Hello there!

We've had another great week. Just this morning. we set goals for this transfer---but first we studied hope. Check out this scripture! "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." -Romans 8: 24-25. With that in mind, we prayerfully set a goal of 5 baptisms this transfer in our area! It's a high goal, but we already have 3 people with baptism dates for this transfer and we HOPE for two more! Over and over in my mission I've seen the power of setting goals in faith and then watching the miracles unfold. Every now and then I'm tempted to think we need to be "realistic", in the sense that we have to limit ourselves based on what that world would think we can accomplish. But real hope lifts us above that! It "maketh an anchor" (Ether 12:4) and connects us heaven, to our Heavenly Father, who is a God of miracles! The reason for our hope is our Savior Jesus Christ, who performed the greatest miracle of all and made all things possible through his Atonement. I'm so grateful for Him! I really believe Heavenly Father wants us to hope for better things. He wants us to see the possibilities! It definitely wasn't "realistic" that S. went from refusing to read the Book of Mormon to attending church every week, or we got 4 referrals in one day after a week of praying for them, or that the S.'s--a whole family--is going to be baptized soon (something I've dreamed of my whole mission). I hope and know this transfer will be an great one.

This week was slightly crazy! Our phone was broken--just a blank white screen. We couldn't see who was calling or texting us, and we could only call certain people! Frustrating. BUT we finally got a new phone, so we are back at this! Also, it has rained for 10 days straight, and on Friday it flooded the whole city! We weren't allowed to drive, so all of Friday we had to stay inside and cancel all our appointments! I'm actually really grateful we had a couple of slow days this week, It gave me an opportunity to refocus on the work and feel the spirit a little more. President Benson says that the spirit often talks to us when we are not surrounded by stress or trying to make it to our next appointment on time. Quiet moments are so important!

Oh man, let me just talk about J. and L. for a little bit. They are the investigators that we literally just happened upon a couple weeks ago, and ended up cleaning up their whole yard with the ward. We talked about Joseph Smith and the Restoration this week, and at the end of the lesson we asked them if they believed this message could be true. L. said absolutely yes, and shared with us that they had just been talking about how they needed help with the yard as we walked up to their house. She said she thought it was a sign from God that they needed our message! I can't imagine how much harder this would have been if we hadn't offered to help them with their yard! I do remember feeling very prompted to ask her if we could help! Service seriously softens hearts, and God knows exactly what his people need. I LOVE J. and L.! They love each other and their 2 little kids so much, it's all I can do to keep from just dumping the whole gospel on them so they can know about eternal families, and temple marriage, and modern prophets and everything! They are just eating it up. BLESSINGS!

N. and C. (S. family) are getting baptized this week! Pray that they will be ready, that they will feel peace. I am so so so excited!

Also, we are getting a mini-missionary for the whole week! Oh man I just think back to my mini-mission and how nervous and excited I was for it, and how much I looked up to the sister missionaries! Now I AM one. What? sometimes I still can't get over the fact I'm a real-life missionary! haha It'll be great!

Sorry we did not do well at taking pictures this week...so we took a library selfie. :) 

Library selfie
I love you all! Have an amazing week.

Sister Petrie

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