Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hey Family!

July 13, 2015

Hey Family!

P is for Petrea road!
Definitely keep sending me those family reunion pictures! They make my DAY. I'm so glad you all are having so much fun. And just curious, how tall is C. now?? He looks like he grew a foot!

It's been another fabulous week! :) Highlight of the week was exchanges on Thursday and Friday. Normally exchanges make me nervous-but this one was great! I got to stay in Centralia and our Sister Training Leader Sister Ewell came to the area for the day. It was interesting because every single appointment we had set up for the day called and cancelled--definitely a test of my faith and diligence. But we ended up having a fantastic day. We got to visit people we almost never get to see, and ended up finding a new investigator! God's plans are always the best plans :) Sister Ewell and I figured out we are pretty much the same person! I love her so much! She loves music, we even had a little primary song jam session :) It was the most relaxing day I've had in a long time, and I realized how grateful I am for my mission leaders. They always love us into doing a little better :) 

Exchange selfie!
I feel like all our investigators are doing so well! We were so blessed this week. The S.'s fed us this week, and H. and D. let us know that they are down to HALF the cigarettes that they were at last week!!! D. said it would take her 4 weeks to get to that point, but it happened in just 1! She said that ever since we all fasted on Sunday for them to quit smoking, the cigarettes have tasted NASTY! We are so proud of them for working towards their goals! AHHHHH I love them so much! Pray for H., he wants to get baptized so badly but needs to quit smoking and coffee first. When we talked about the Joseph Smith this week, we all were taking turns bearing our testimonies of the Restoration. It's amazing how far they have all come.

We had a really neat experience teaching B. this week. Her son S., was there for the lesson. He just got baptized in Fairview Heights ward a month or so ago. We asked him how he knew that the church was true, and he ended up bearing his testimony about the fact that families are forever for about 5 minutes, looking straight at his mom the whole time. I LOVE teaching with recent converts! The spirit was incredible. You could FEEL the truth of the gospel in that moment. The Spirit is so important in conversion.

Also, one of the 7 investigators we started teaching last week, A., committed to be baptized with her daughter! The miracle continues :)

I have an ever-increasing testimony of the importance of inviting everyone to hear the restored gospel. Sister Schow is an amazing example of a missionary who talks to EVERYONE. We offer the gospel to people on the street, Walmart cashiers, construction workers across from our apartment, families of investigators, people in parked cars, people that have the wrong number when they call us, literally EVERYONE. We get rejected a lot, but also Heavenly Father is trusting us more and more with prepared people in our path. At about 9:01 PM last night, we were headed into our apartment for the night, and we decided to talk to a young man who was sitting in his car. Maybe it was a little creepy, but it turns out that we were able to have a short lesson with him. His name was I., he knows a lot of LDS people, and he told us he's always wanted to have the missionary lessons but just has never gotten the chance! It's amazing to me that there are people out there, like I., ready and waiting for the message of the gospel.

This week I get to go to the temple on Thursday for my halfway mark! I am soooooooo excited! :) :)

 Have a fantastic week, I love you all!

Sister Petrie

Me and my awesome STL's, sister Ewell and Sister Sperry

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