Sunday, July 19, 2015


June 29, 2015

People I love!!

Centralia Bench!

This week, I hit my 9 month mark, which means I'm officially halfway through my mission. Realizing this on Wednesday led me to do a lot of pondering and praying, and possibly some deep breaths to keep me from having a panic attack. :) :) Not really, but I have noticed that it's easy for me to look back and stress out that I haven't changed enough, haven't worked hard enough, haven't loved enough, haven't achieved all my goals or done everything I've wanted to. 

Zone conference on Thursday answered a lot of my prayers. The spirit was so strong as our missionary leaders taught us about going back to the basics--we can know we are successful when we continually apply the basics of the gospel or of missionary work. There is power in simplicity! Then President Morgan stood up and talked to us about achieving our baptismal goal for the year--we are halfway through the year and a little behind. He said, "Elders and's halftime". Anyone who has played sports knows what you do at halftime-you take a minute, re-evaluate your progress, and if you are behind in score you recommit to be better, score points and win the game. It's my halftime, and as he talked I felt so much peace about our mission goals AND my personal goals! I've had a wonderful mission so far. I've grown so much! I'm ready for an excellent 2nd half, and I'm committed to do my best and not stress! What a BLESSING it is to be on a mission. I love this work!

N. and C. got baptized this week, and it was amazing. The program was amazing, and everything just went perfectly. The best part was actually the confirmation on Sunday, they were both so cute and happy, and gave each other a big hug right in front of the whole congregation :) It was also such a blessing to see H. and D. get emotional and so excited about their daughters' decisions to be baptized. You could tell they felt the spirit so strongly! I am so excited for the miracles we have yet to see in this family. :)

After the baptism! This is the S. family :)

One neat experience with D., this week before the baptism, we were teaching her and the girls more about prophets. We pulled out three conference ensigns to show them a picture of President Monson and his counselors, and gave them to D. and the girls. Neither of them had ever seen the prophet before. D. flipped open to the middle page with all the General Authorities' pictures, pointed to President Monson's picture, and gasped. She said, "Is this the prophet?" When we told her he was, she began to cry and said, "This man was in my dream last night." She didn't remember much of the dream, only that he has smiled at her in the dream, twice. Also, D. dreams in black & white, and the picture of the prophet she saw happened to be in black & white, out of an older ensign! Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I believe it was a little tender mercy from Heavenly Father to D., letting her know that her daughters were doing the right thing by being baptized, and that the church was the right thing for her family.

Also, a MIRACLE happened on Sunday! We've been trying to get S. L. to commit to baptism, ever since he told us he believes the Book of Mormon is true. He's been a little stubborn. Well, he came to church again this week, and after I got done playing organ prelude, I slipped into the pew next to him. He leaned over and whispered, "I just asked Bishop if he would baptize me on August 1st." What. We couldn't believe it!!!! We are SO happy. It's incredible that this is the same man that refused to read the Book of Mormon and ran missionaries out of his house just a year ago. The gospel changes hearts! This gospel is 100 percent true. I love S.!

It has been so neat to have a mini missionary this week. Her name is Sister Hacker, and she was such a blessing! She brought such a balance to our companionship and the spirit as well. We were able to really get a lot done with her! I hope she had a good experience. We love her a lot! 

Wonderful sister missionaries.
(Sister Hacker is in the middle of me and Sister Schow)

Have a blast at family reunions this week! I love you all!

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