Sunday, November 29, 2015

Giving Thanks

November 23, 2015

I am SO grateful for so many things. It seems like a constant stream of little tender mercies is just flooding our way!

Sisters P-day!

For example! Last Monday we were at the post office mailing packages, we had 3 packages to send and 40 dollars in cash. It covered the first 2, but we didn't quite have enough to pay for the third. On our way out, a lady who worked there stopped us and asked us why we didn't send the last package. We told her we didn't have enough money, and she grabs the package, weighs it on her machine, and starts punching buttons. She looks over at us and says, "You got 8 dollars?" We had 9. She re-boxes the stuff, and as she sends us back in to send it, she recognizes our name tags! she says, "Ladies, remember that when you are on the Lord's errand, He always sends help. There will always be a ram in the bush." She is so cool. We shared our card with her and invited her to watch a video about Jesus Christ, and she was SO grateful! The spirit was really strong, and she ended up giving us both hugs before we left. I was so grateful for that experience. The spirit taught me that what she said was true, the Lord really is looking out for our well-being, and he NEVER fails us. He will always send someone or something to help us feel his love. How profound, there is always a ram in the bush. I've seen it happen over and over again.

I was so grateful to help a young struggling mother this week. With a working husband and three VERY busy little children, her house had gotten messy to the point of her being completely discouraged about it ever being clean! So we grabbed a couple members, a couple of trash bags, and cleaned her entire kitchen! it was amazing to see that kitchen totally transform. And even cooler to hear her comments while we worked. "I always feel happier around Mormons", "What time does your church start?" "I can't wait to quit smoking". it was awesome! now we are teaching her and her husband, and she wants to be baptized right after the new year! SO cool.

We had our last exchange this week! It was such a great one. I got to go with Sister Broadhead again to the YSA. She is seriously one of my favorite humans! she has red hair too...i think I just love people with red hair. :) She taught me so much about being bold, about loving being a missionary, and about really and truly impacting others for good. It was amazing.

I am so grateful for family history as well. I feel like that's one thing about the gospel I didn't fully understand or appreciate before my mission...and I still don't. but i love it so much more! A couple weeks ago, the neighboring city put on a family history event, run by members of the church! So we got to be there, and basically sat with non-members all day and helped them find their family on! that was amazing. We invited one of our former investigators, M., who showed up and had a blast! turns out she has a long lost 2nd cousin who is LDS! they connected with each other, and then this week that cousin actually came up to O'Fallon from Texas and brought M. to church!! She felt so welcomed and loved church. Family history is a great way to be a missionary, who knew!

Well family, have a happy happy Thanksgiving this week. I am so grateful for eternal things, like family, like the gospel, like Jesus Christ. We are so blessed. Have a great week!

The keystone at the Science center

Ice cream! Love these sisters

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