Monday, August 10, 2015

Crazy, Amazing Week!

August 10, 2015

I can't believe it's only been one week. What a crazy, amazing, life-changing week! I'm still working on getting used to this area and to lots of different things, and it's been easy sometimes to feel overwhelmed. But more than ever, I know that the Atonement is a real power. It's been carrying me, and I am so so grateful.

We gave a training in two different zones this week as part of Zone Leader Training. One thing I LOVE is working with the zone leaders to really uplift and serve the missionaries in the zone. We get to see the spirit really work. The trainings went well, I really felt the spirit as we presented them! And each time, it seemed to be exactly what the missionaries needed. The spirit of revelation is so real!

Let me tell you about the people I love in this area :)

So the A. family is amazing. S. is a member of the church, and just moved into the O'Fallon ward 2 months ago. She had fallen away a bit, but when she got here she felt impressed to call the ward, and ask if the missionaries could come teach her 10-year-old son X.. X. is amazing, he is my favorite!! We set a baptism date with him for the 15th, this Saturday! He is so excited. We taught him about tithing this week and asked him about his Book of Mormon reading. He turns to his mom and asks, "Mom, after the sisters leave can we please read the Book of Mormon together?" So perfect. I know S. has been going through some really difficult things lately and to see her son so full of the spirit is really carrying her. I love them!

K. He is 20 (ish) and is amazing! We've taught him twice and he wants to be baptized, probably at the end of September! Miracle! It's so interesting when we meet someone who is really prepared for the gospel. They always have an experience or feeling or trial that has prepared them for the gospel! K. says he feels like he has been searching. He feels lost in in his life, and knows he needs God, but wasn't sure how to get where he wants to be. We've invited him to be baptized 2 or three times, and every time he gets this little smile on his face, like he KNOWS that's the answer! It's amazing. The spirit really has been working on him.

I love Sister Hayden. She has this amazing gift to connect with anyone and everyone. She's had so many experiences on her mission that prepared her to help people--and especially to help me through this part of my mission. I seriously love her, soooooo much. Heavenly Father puts people in our lives for a reason!

We struggled at taking pictures this week will be better! Here's a library selfie. 

Me and Sister Hayden

Love you all. Keep writing! :)

Sister Petrie

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