Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Witness After The Trial of Faith!

February 23, 2015

I learned a lot about the meaning of Ether 12:6 this week. Heavenly Father has been blessing our area so so much! But there were for sure several trials of faith first. I am so grateful He takes so much time and care to plan for my learning and growth!

The trials! We had 5 investigators drop us this week, and many dropped appointments! Also, with the windchill factor it was -20 most of the week. BRRR. Needless to say I felt tried! Luckily Sister Ramirez has so much faith...she inspired me to keep going, and we worked hard, despite things not working out in our favor!

And the blessings that came on Sunday made it all worth it! We watched B. be confirmed. It was incredible! She had one of the sweetest blessings I've ever heard. She was promised she would be a strength and a light to all those around her and that because of her, many of her family would be brought to the knowledge of the gospel! How incredible. Afterwards, she paid tithing for the first time. What a rock that woman is!

Then S. came to church. She's officially quitting smoking, she'd gone 16 hours without a cigarette! Say an extra prayer for her if you could. I am so proud of her! She also received a blessing of comfort and strength. She is going to succeed, I know she is!

Then we had a member call us and refer his cousin to talk with us. She is looking for a church that "feels like home". Ok, miracle.

As if that wasn't enough, right after sacrament meeting, a sweet sister walked into the building, and asked if she could be baptized into our church! She said she was looking for a church, and that she had a feeling she should go to ours that morning. What a blessing. I felt impressed that this was a direct answer to prayer and blessing based on our faith and hard work during the week. I felt like quoting scripture: "My cup runneth over!!" During our sunday school lesson about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost, I couldn't keep from crying, just a little bit, overwhelmed with gratitude! I testify of God's love for us individually. He knows and plans for us.

We should have a great week ahead. I keep you all in my prayers! Thanks for your incredible support! Sorry for no pictures this week :( I was a slacker.

I love you allllll so so so so much! This gospel is TRUE and the Book of Mormon is the way to find answers.

Sister Petrie

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